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    Nicholas Burns 結果共7筆

  • Ambassador Burns urges non-interference in Taiwan vote

    U.S. Ambassador to China Nicholas Burns urges parties to refrain from interfering in Taiwan’s upcoming elections and emphasizes the U.S.’s desire for a free and fair electoral process. He quotes President Biden in reaffirming unchanged U.S. policy towards Taiwan. Burns describes U.S.-China relations as "hopeful" and "realistic," highlighting Beijing’s commitment to tackling the fentanyl crisis and the eagerness to restore military communication. He advocates for a realistic and hopeful approach to U.S.-China ties, aiming to mitigate risks rather than decoupling.
    2023/12/16 14:47
  • U.S. ambassador to China: One China policy has not changed

    The U.S. Ambassador to China, Nicholas Burns, reiterated at the Asia Summit that the One China policy has not changed, and America will continue to adhere to it.
    2022/10/04 08:12
  • Burns: America does not seek economic decoupling from China

    The U.S. ambassador to China, Nicholas Burns, said on Thursday (Sept. 29) that the United States is not seeking to decouple its economic ties from China.
    2022/09/30 00:38
  • 裴洛西訪台 中國大陸外交部召見美大使強烈抗議

    新華社今天凌晨報導,美國眾議院議長裴洛西(Nancy Pelosi)搭乘專機2日晚間飛抵松山機場訪問,中國大陸外交部副部長謝鋒奉命緊急召見美國大使伯恩斯(Nicholas Burns),代表中國大陸政府向美方提出嚴正交涉和強烈抗議。
    2022/08/03 06:59
  • 美駐中大使剛宣誓就職 部分美外交官申請「授權離境」氣炸大陸

    美國新任駐中大使職位空缺一年多後,伯恩斯(Nicholas Burns)於25日正式宣誓就職。然而美國國務院卻在這個時間點,考慮「授權撤離」駐大陸外交官及其家人,創下外交先例。對此,大陸也表示不滿,認為美方的作法是在擾亂即將來臨的冬季奧運,中美關係再次陷入緊張。
    2022/01/27 10:48
  • 美駐中大使提名人:要讓台灣成為「難以撬裂的堅果」

    由美國總統拜登提名的駐中國大陸大使伯恩斯(Nicholas Burns)昨(20)日於參議院上,批評北京在印太地區的「激進」作為,更表示在對台議題上「當然不能相信中國人」,並指出美國的責任就是要台灣成為一個「難以撬裂的堅果」,讓大陸難以攻入。
    2021/10/21 10:09
  • 美準駐中大使:中國是侵略者 助台抗中應是優先事項

    美國駐中大使提名人勃恩斯(Nicholas Burns)今天指出,中國具侵略性且不可信,強化台灣防禦中國入侵威脅的能力應是美方優先事項。
    2021/10/21 07:42
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